Monthly Archives: October 2015

31 10, 2015

SotS Instructor Piermarco Terminiello Wins Gold At Swordfish

2015-10-31T20:53:06+00:00October 31st, 2015|Dagger, Events, Rapier, Trophies|

There are deafening cheers coming from both Godalming and Reading tonight as we are very pleased and extremely proud to announce that School of the Sword instructor, Piermarco (Pim) Terminiello, has successfully defended his rapier & dagger title at Swordfish this year, taking the gold medal in the tournament for 2015

His opponent, Kristine Konsmo, put up a fantastic fight showing not only great swords(wo)manship but great sportsmanship as well!  She certainly didn’t give Pim an easy fight!

In six years of rapier competitions at Swordfish, School of the Sword has won three times – twice to Pim and once to senior instructor Phil Marshall in 2010

Congratulations to all this year’s medallists!

30 10, 2015

SotS Instructor Piermarco Terminiello Through To Swordfish Rapier & Dagger Final

2015-10-30T21:33:44+00:00October 30th, 2015|Dagger, Events, Rapier|

As you may be aware, one of the biggest tournaments in the swordfighting community, Swordfish, is taking place this weekend in Sweden.  It’s a prestigious event, considered by many to be the closest we have to a world championship.

We’ve just received word that School of the Sword instructor, Piermarco (Pim) Terminiello, has made it through to the final of the rapier & dagger final where he will be facing Kristine Konsmo. Best of luck to both competitors!

Pim is the defending champion, having won the competition last year.  He’s previously won bronze at Swordfish in the discipline.

Naturally we’re all very proud of Pim and will be cheering him on whilst watching the Swordfish livestream tomorrow night.


29 10, 2015

Next Week’s Venues

2015-10-29T19:01:40+00:00October 29th, 2015|Dagger, Godalming, Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

We’ve got a couple of venue changes next week.

From Monday 2nd November ,  Reading group will be at Rivermead Leisure Centre.  We’ll be starting at 8:15pm and finishing at 10:30pm.  The good news is that we’ll be at this venue for the rest of the year!

And due to an event at Broadwater School, Godalming also has a change next week (4th November).  As the main assembly hall is in use for a school function we’ll be in the studio.  Don’t worry though, this is for one week only!

Look forward to seeing you all!

29 10, 2015

Godalming Training – 28th October 2015

2015-10-29T17:50:54+00:00October 29th, 2015|Dagger, Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

A busy night tonight.  The beginners group continued to work on the foundations of sword play.  They were joined by Chris and David from our Reading group, looking to get in some extra practise and instruction.

Our senior group continued to work on rapier and dagger measure techniques.

28 10, 2015

SotS Instructors In New Documentary

2015-10-28T10:28:56+00:00October 28th, 2015|Press, video|

School of the Sword Instructors Pim & Fran Terminiello feature heavily in this documentary on HEMA that’s currently abuzz around the internet (Kotaku, GQ, Imgr, etc.)

Featuring interviews and footage shot from around the world, this fantastic 90 minute documentary covers just about every aspect of HEMA.  There’s plenty of sword fighting as well!  We’re busy trying to spot students and friends of the school in all the clips!

28 10, 2015

Reading Training – 26th October 2015

2015-10-28T10:17:23+00:00October 28th, 2015|Dagger, Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

A busy class at Reading, especially in rapier and dagger. Candidati polished their form in sword and buckler and Josh survived a birthday shark tank of 24 bouts!

We’re at Rivermead next week (8:15pm start)

25 10, 2015

Monday’s Training Location

2015-10-25T22:17:24+00:00October 25th, 2015|Reading|

As students should be aware, this Monday (26th October 2015) we will once again be at Academy Sport, starting at the usual time of 8pm.  Hope to see everyone there!

25 10, 2015

Monthly Sparring – 25th October 2015

2015-10-25T22:12:13+00:00October 25th, 2015|Dagger, Rapier|

With a number of our members heading out to Swordfish in Sweden next week, this month’s monthly sparring session provided some vital last minute pre-tournament practise.


25 10, 2015

Godalming Training – 21st October 2015

2015-10-25T22:03:07+00:00October 25th, 2015|Dagger, Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

Lots of focus on concepts tonight in both bolognese and rapier groups. Hard work from everyone.

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