SotS Instructor Piermarco Terminiello Wins Gold At Swordfish
There are deafening cheers coming from both Godalming and Reading tonight as we are very pleased and extremely proud to announce that School of the Sword instructor, Piermarco (Pim) Terminiello, has successfully defended his rapier & dagger title at Swordfish this year, taking the gold medal in the tournament for 2015
His opponent, Kristine Konsmo, put up a fantastic fight showing not only great swords(wo)manship but great sportsmanship as well! She certainly didn’t give Pim an easy fight!
In six years of rapier competitions at Swordfish, School of the Sword has won three times – twice to Pim and once to senior instructor Phil Marshall in 2010
Congratulations to all this year’s medallists!