Get Ready For 2016 At School Of The Sword
2015 was an incredibly successful year for School of the Sword thanks to the hard work of our instructors. Not only did our numbers swell and our proficiency as students improve but we saw competition success both at home and internationally.
In 2016 we intend to build upon that success with a number of enhancements. Members of the school should have received an emailing detailing all of these changes (briefly detailed below). If you think you might have been left off the mailing list, please let us know (as we might have your email address down wrong).
Reading moves to a new permanent home in the centre of town: St Laurence’s Church. Both Candidati and Studenti will be meeting there from the 4th January. Ask in the private Facebook group for parking details.
Studenti will have a choice of two different streams at training (both Reading & Godalming), one predominantly rapier based, the other more sidesword focused. Choose which one suits you! Lessons will be in 2-6 week plans, meaning if you’ve not been for a while it’ll be easy to jump back in at the start of a new plan.
Training sessions will be rising in cost from £5 a lesson to £7. However, we are offering monthly pricing (£20 for one venue, £30 for both). We hope to have online payment available for this in the next couple of days.
We’ll also be offering more social events, conditioning sessions, one day seminars and sparring sessions, so be prepared for an even more successful 2016!