Monthly Archives: December 2015

30 12, 2015

Get Ready For 2016 At School Of The Sword

2015-12-30T16:07:19+00:00December 30th, 2015|Godalming, Reading|

2015 was an incredibly successful year for School of the Sword thanks to the hard work of our instructors.  Not only did our numbers swell and our proficiency as students improve but we saw competition success both at home and internationally.

In 2016 we intend to build upon that success with a number of enhancements.  Members of the school should have received an emailing detailing all of these changes (briefly detailed below).  If you think you might have been left off the mailing list, please let us know (as we might have your email address down wrong).

Reading moves to a new permanent home in the centre of town: St Laurence’s Church.  Both Candidati and Studenti will be meeting there from the 4th January.  Ask in the private Facebook group for parking details.

Studenti will have a choice of two different streams at training (both Reading & Godalming), one predominantly rapier based, the other more sidesword focused.  Choose which one suits you!  Lessons will be in 2-6 week plans, meaning if you’ve not been for a while it’ll be easy to jump back in at the start of a new plan.

Training sessions will be rising in cost from £5 a lesson to £7.  However, we are offering monthly pricing (£20 for one venue, £30 for both).  We hope to have online payment available for this in the next couple of days.

We’ll also be offering more social events, conditioning sessions, one day seminars and sparring sessions, so be prepared for an even more successful 2016!


30 12, 2015

International Rapier Seminar Early Bird Pricing Ending Soon

2015-12-30T15:36:56+00:00December 30th, 2015|Events, Rapier|

School of the Sword will play host to the International Rapier Seminar in April where we will gather some of the world’s best instructors for a weekend of learning, free play and competition.

Prices WILL be going up on 1st January 2015, so if you’ve not booked yet please be sure to do so now to take advantage of early bird pricing!

For more details, booking details and payment please visit our International Rapier Seminar page

24 12, 2015

Reading ‘Bring A Weapon’ Party – 21st December 2015

2015-12-24T00:10:44+00:00December 24th, 2015|Reading|

Our last meet for the year was held in Reading on Monday night.  Post-safety test students gathered in our new Reading location for a spot of sparring at our traditional, end of year ‘Bring A Weapon’ Party.

We had a number of unusual weapon combinations, some more successful than others,  but everyone had a great time and loved the new venue at St Laurence’s Church.

We look forward to seeing everyone again in the new year!


22 12, 2015

School of the Sword Xmas Social – 19th December 2015

2015-12-22T11:43:37+00:00December 22nd, 2015|Godalming, Reading, social|

Members from both Godalming and Reading descended on Camberley last Friday for an evening of mirth and mayhem.  After some excellent Tapas we hit a local pub to celebrate a successful year and hopefully an even more successful one in the year to come!

18 12, 2015

Five More Students Pass Safety Test

2015-12-18T14:10:07+00:00December 18th, 2015|Godalming, Sword & Buckler|

At School of the Sword we put a lot of focus on the foundations of swordplay to ensure that when we come to spar we can do so with control, accuracy and most importantly safety.  For that reason, candidati, spend a long time working on the basics, getting a solid foundation based on historical techniques that they will build upon as they are introduced to sparring and other weapons and techniques at the school.

After a lot of hard work and training, Jubie, Nick, Anthony, David and Greta passed their safety test on Wednesday night.  This means they’ll now be introduced to sparring with the other studenti that they now join.  Congratulations to them all and we are all looking forward to training and sparring with them in the future!

Godalming currently has space for new beginners and we’ll be running a new beginners’ course in Reading in March, so if you would ultimately like to join them, be sure to contact us!  You’ll find us a fun, diverse, inclusive bunch united in our love of pointy things.

18 12, 2015

Godalming ‘Bring A Weapon’ Party – 16th December 2015

2015-12-18T09:44:35+00:00December 18th, 2015|Godalming|

For the last lesson of the year School of the Sword traditionally have a ‘bring a weapon’ party.  This allows students who have passed their safety test to bring all their fun and non-traditional weapons to spar with.

It was a busy night with sword & buckler, rapier, dagger, small swords, axes, knives, long swords, sickles, poleaxes and even some shinai.  Everyone had a good level of control and concentration to ensure we sparred safely and responsibly, even when we were pairing up odd weapon combinations.

We finished up with a fun team game of Assassins’ Creed and celebrated the fact that five more students passed their safety test.

18 12, 2015

Reading Training – 14th December 2015

2015-12-18T09:31:49+00:00December 18th, 2015|Reading, Sword & Buckler|

With Simon working with a few students preparing for their safety tests, the intermediates and seniors worked together on sword & buckler sparring.  This allowed those with more experience to refresh their training whilst imparting knowledge to those less experienced.  A really good level of work from everyone and a lot of fun!

11 12, 2015

Conditioning Session – 10th December 2015

2015-12-11T16:07:03+00:00December 11th, 2015|Fitness|

A number of our students came together on Thursday night for a bit of extra curricular fitness and conditioning.  Another great session organised by Chris which everyone who attended felt was of benefit.  We’re looking to hold more of these sessions in the new year.


11 12, 2015

Godalming Training – 9th December 2015

2015-12-11T16:01:07+00:00December 11th, 2015|Dagger, Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

A good turnout at Godalming on Wednesday with the class joined by a number of Reading regulars.  The seniors worked on a number of flow drills with rapier & dagger whilst the beginners’ group continued to make progress toward their safety test.

11 12, 2015

Reading Training – 7th December 2015

2015-12-11T15:55:01+00:00December 11th, 2015|Dagger, Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

Another busy night as the intermediates continued their work on dall’Agocchie, whilst the seniors had a guest in the form of Jack from Switzerland who joined them to work on Fabris counters with rapier & dagger.

Across town, the beginner’s group continued to work with Fran and Stewart


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