Monthly Archives: November 2016

27 11, 2016

Godalming Training – 23rd November 2016

2016-11-27T22:51:16+00:00November 27th, 2016|Dagger, Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

Wednesday night saw our regular training session in Godalming with three different streams of learning.

Lynette worked with the rapier group on Fabris, whilst Adrian took the Bolognese group. Meanwhile Fran worked with the Beginners completeing their 6-week beginner’s course.

26 11, 2016

Reading Welcomes New Studente

2016-11-25T00:35:34+00:00November 26th, 2016|Reading, Sword & Buckler|

It’s a busy time for our beginners groups at our Reading salle. After many weeks of hard work learning the foundations of swordplay we’re seeing a number of students ready to take the safety test that they need to pass in order to progress onto sparring and other training streams.

Congratulations to Alessandro and Tom who on Monday night became the latest members to pass their safety test and rise from the rank of Candidati to Studente.

25 11, 2016

School of the Sword At Reading Comic Con This Weekend

2016-11-25T21:55:52+00:00November 25th, 2016|Events|

It’s Reading Comic Con this weekend and The School of the Sword will be in attendance on both days doing demonstrations and answering questions. If you’ve ever wondered what it is we do or want to find out more about the school or you’ve just always wondered what historical fencing is like then come along to the event and see us in action.

For more details, check out the Reading Comic Con Facebook page.

25 11, 2016

Reading Training – 21st November 2016

2016-11-25T00:27:41+00:00November 25th, 2016|Dagger, Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

Monday saw our regular training night in Reading. Students turned out en force to take part in one of three streams.

Pim worked with the bolognese group whilst Adrian helped the beginners preparing for their safety test. There was also a third sparring stream allowing students to put some of the techniques they have learnt from previous weeks into practise.

21 11, 2016

School of the Sword Represented at Helsinki Bolognese Open

2016-11-21T17:54:41+00:00November 21st, 2016|Events|

Whilst tournaments represent just a small part of what we do in the school (not every student wishes to compete), we are fortunate that we have a growing cadre of fencers who are representing the school in competition around the world.

Although many of our students were fencing at the Broadwater Bucklerthon, School of the Sword was also represented at the Helsinki Bolognese Open in Finland this past weekend.

Our representative, Jay Maxwell, managed to progress to the Quarter Finals.  Thanks to him for representing the school.  Congratulations to the winners.

Photos by Timo Toropainen, used with permission.

21 11, 2016

Broadwater Bucklerthon – 19th November 2016

2016-11-21T01:18:10+00:00November 21st, 2016|Events, Sword & Buckler, Trophies|

This past weekend, practitioners of sword & buckler from across the country descended on Godalming for the latest in School of the Sword’s events:  the Broadwater Bucklerthon.

Bucklerthon is an informal nylon sword and buckler tournament aimed at people that have never made a quarter final in any weapon.  There was also a steel invitational tournament for those who’ve placed in tournaments already.  Winners were as follows:


Gold – Kasten Harris
Silver – Adrian Faulkner
Bronze – Daniel Craig

Steel Invitational

Gold – Alexander Makarov
Silver – Peter Smallridge
Bronze – Matthew Crane 

Early feedback is that the event was considered by all to be a success and something we are likely to repeat next year.


20 11, 2016

Godalming Training – 16th November 2016

2016-11-20T19:04:20+00:00November 20th, 2016|Dagger, Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

Our Godalming training sessions are becoming every bit as packed as our Reading ones with another great turnout on Wednesday.

Fran worked with the beginners whilst Pim took the bolognese stream.  Meanwhile, Lynette was taking the rapier & dagger stream through Fabris.

20 11, 2016

Reading Training – 14th November 2016

2016-11-21T01:03:25+00:00November 20th, 2016|Dagger, Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

Last Monday saw our regular Reading training session with a good turnout across all three streams.  Aside from the regular Bolognese stream, we ran a sparring stream for people who aren’t able to get to our regular weekend sparring sessions, giving them a chance to practise some of the techniques they have learnt in training.  Meanwhile Adrian worked with the beginner’s who are rapidly approaching their safety test.

17 11, 2016

Sunday Sparring – 13th November 2016

2016-11-17T20:15:27+00:00November 17th, 2016|Dagger, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

Students met up in Godalming for sparring last Sunday.  There were a mix of weapon combinations in play including sword & buckler, rapier, montante and even smallsword.  It was a very active session and the time just flew past.

17 11, 2016

Godalming Training – 9th November 2016

2016-11-17T19:25:10+00:00November 17th, 2016|Dagger, Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

We had a very packed class In Godalming on Wednesday with 29 people.

The Bolognese group worked on the high and stretta guards, candidati had a very intense session on the thrusts as well as Marozzo’s first play for sword and buckler. The Rapier group worked on Fabris principles, posture and movement.

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