Monthly Archives: January 2017

29 01, 2017

Sunday Sparring – 29th January 2017

2017-01-29T17:59:32+00:00January 29th, 2017|Dagger, Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

We had a great turnout in Reading for our Sunday Sparring session today.  There was a great mix of weapons being played with: everything from rapier & dagger through to spear and rotella.  There was also a nice level of feedback from students as well, analysing their fights and point out areas of possible improvement.

We celebrated a very hectic, sweaty session with a trip to the pub and a nice carvery.


27 01, 2017

Godalming Training – 25th January 2017

2017-01-27T15:00:05+00:00January 27th, 2017|Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

Another busy night in Godalming on Wednesday where the school offered three streams of training.

Fran worked with the beginners working towards their safety test.  Adrian took the  Bolognese group through defence with the buckler and Pim worked on feints with the single rapier.

24 01, 2017

Reading Training – 23rd January 2017

2017-01-24T01:47:01+00:00January 24th, 2017|Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

It was a busy night in Reading on Monday with three different streams of training running simultaneously.

Matt worked with the Bolognese group, whilst Pim took the rapier stream.  Meanwhile Stewart and Simon took the beginners through some more of the foundations of sword play as part of their six-week course.


22 01, 2017

School of The Sword Take Top Two Spots In Helsinki

2017-01-22T19:02:14+00:00January 22nd, 2017|Dagger, Rapier, Trophies|

The School of the Sword has taken both the gold & silver medals in the rapier & dagger competition at the Helsinki Open.

Alexander Makarov fought and beat Piermarco Terminiello in a close final that saw the match go to sudden death.

Congratulations to both of our fighters for doing the School proud.

20 01, 2017

School of the Sword Guaranteed Two Medals At Helsinki

2017-01-20T19:09:40+00:00January 20th, 2017|Events, Trophies|

Fantastic news out of Helsinki today as we’ve just heard that School of the Sword’s Pim Terminiello and Alexander Makarov will fight for gold in the rapier & dagger competition at the Helsinki Open this weekend.  This means that School of the Sword is already guaranteed gold and silver.

We obviously couldn’t be more proud and wish we could be there for what is likely to be a truly epic fight.

Best of luck to Kristofer Stanson and Andreas Isaksson who fight for bronze.

Thanks to Afterblow for letting us know and use of their picture!




19 01, 2017

Godalming Training – 18th January 2017

2017-01-19T21:57:03+00:00January 19th, 2017|Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

Our Godalming students gathered at Broadwater Sports Hall on Wednesday for our regular weekly training session.

Fran and Lizzie worked with the beginners, Adrian took the Bolognese stream and Pim taught a stream on the single rapier.

17 01, 2017

SOTS On Tour

2017-01-17T22:26:21+00:00January 17th, 2017|social|

What happens when you can’t make training because you are on holiday skiing but still want to practise?

Answer: you improvise.  A bunch of our students sent back these photos of them practising their skills in the Alps.  Anyone have a historical treatise on the ski pole?

17 01, 2017

Reading Training – 16th January 2017

2017-01-17T01:26:10+00:00January 17th, 2017|Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

It was our regular training session in Reading on Monday night with a good turnout of students.

Stewart and Dan took the beginners through the second week of their foundation course whilst Jay took the Bolognese and Pim took the single rapier stream.

15 01, 2017

Single Rapier Seminar – 15th January 2017

2017-01-15T20:15:05+00:00January 15th, 2017|Godalming, Rapier, Reading|

Students from both our Godalming and Reading salles gathered on Sunday for a special training seminar with School of the Sword senior instructor and former Swordfish champion, Phil Marshall.  Phil looked at single rapier and covered a number of fundamentals and micro improvements that benefited both students new to the weapon and those more experienced.  Everyone agreed it was a hugely beneficial day that will improve their use of the weapon.

14 01, 2017

Godalming Training – 11th January 2017

2017-01-14T16:00:06+00:00January 14th, 2017|Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

Students turned up on Wednesday night for our regular weekly training session in Godalming.

Fran worked with the beginners progressing towards their safety test.  Meanwhile Pim started an introduction to single rapier in the rapier stream, whilst Adrian worked with the Bolognese group on improving their use of the buckler.

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