Monthly Archives: April 2018

19 04, 2018

Technical Tournament – Godalming 18 April 2018

2018-04-19T07:38:57+00:00April 19th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Last night we held a fun ‘Technical Tournament’ where everybody fought five bouts with different opponents, using matched weapons. Bouts were fought continuously for two minutes, and each person was assessed against certain criteria in the categories of tactics, poise and self preservation. As it turned out we had James in third place, Ziggy and Phil in joint second, and the overall winner was Kasten.

Everybody had a lot of fun and there was some really controlled and considered fencing taking place. It was a nice way to celebrate the end of this teaching block. Next Wednesday will be a sparring night, then we start our next block on 2 May:

Emilia – Introduction to single rapier

Sam – Spadone

Fran – Beginners course

19 04, 2018

Sunday Sparring – Godalming 15 April 2018

2018-04-19T07:30:34+00:00April 19th, 2018|Uncategorized|

We had a great turnout for freeplay in Godalming on Sunday, where people practiced with sword & buckler, rapier & dagger and smallsword. The next freeplay session will be on the 29 April in Reading. Freeplay is included in monthly subscription and is open to studenti and above.

18 04, 2018

Albion Cup 2018

2018-04-18T08:20:36+00:00April 18th, 2018|Uncategorized|

You may have noticed a flurry of activity on our page recently, that is because we are hosting the inaugural Albion Cup – a multi discipline tournament event on 7-8 July, in Dorking Surrey.

We hope to attract a large number of attendees, from the UK and the international HEMA community as well. Weapons featured are: rapier & dagger, longsword, sword & buckler and smallsword. There will also be two women’s competitions: longsword and sword & buckler.

In addition, by way of entertainment on the Saturday evening we will hold several “Renaissance Fencer” bouts – these are matches between preselected fencers to show good all round skill in four of the main disciplines.

Watch this space for more news, registration will open very soon.

18 04, 2018

Level up! New studenti in Reading – 17 April 2018

2018-04-18T08:09:44+00:00April 18th, 2018|Reading, Sword & Buckler, Uncategorized|

Congratulations to our new studenti who passed their safety test last night in Reading: Jim, Daniel and Emma. They are now able to participate in freeplay, and are full members of the School. We wish them every success in their careers with us.

The Safety Test is an integral part of our curriculum, where we test candidati (new recruits) for their technical knowledge and application, as well as their ability to practice fencing safely. Once passed a student then becomes a full member of the School.

12 04, 2018

Godalming Training – 11 April 2018

2018-04-12T09:27:32+00:00April 12th, 2018|Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

This was the last night of the current teaching block and we enjoyed a very full class.

Kasten took the Bolognese group through tactics in single sidesword, whilst Lynette finished her course on at Fabris’s proceeding with single rapier.

Next week will be a “Technical Tournament”, and the week after will be a Sparring Night. May heralds the beginning of our next Beginner Course, Emilia’s course on single rapier and Jack’s course on the Spadone.

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