Monthly Archives: September 2022

30 09, 2022

SOTS Summer(ish) Social

2022-10-19T07:25:09+00:00September 30th, 2022|Godalming, Oxford, Reading, social|

What with the pandemiic it’s been a long time since the school had a proper social. That all changed on Friday night when members of all chapters gathered in Reading for a night of food, drinks and sword related chat. It was good to catch up and meet members from other chapters we’d not encountered before. Thanks to Josh and Jubie for opening their house to us all.

25 09, 2022

Oxford Sparring – 25th September 2022

2022-10-19T07:42:45+00:00September 25th, 2022|Oxford|

Our Oxford students had a visitor from Oxford Sword and Staff to their regular outdoor weekly sparring session. They had great fun sparring with them across a number of different weapons.

12 09, 2022

Medals At Wessex League Didcot

2022-09-12T23:47:15+00:00September 12th, 2022|Godalming, Oxford, Trophies|

School of the Sword saw a number of medals in the first round of the Wessex League, held in Didcot, Oxfordshire this past weekend.

Emilia Skirmunt head instructor at our Oxford chapter took silver in women’s saber, gold in women’s longsword, while Apollon Makropoulos, an instructor at our Godalming chapter, took bronze in Sword and Buckler.

Congratulations to both fencers in what, by all accounts, was an excellent event.


11 09, 2022

Oxford Sunday Sparring – 11th September 2022

2022-09-12T23:56:48+00:00September 11th, 2022|Dagger, Longsword, Oxford|

Members of our Oxford chapter met up today for some outdoor sparring. Students got some extra practise in with a number of weapons including longsword and daggers.

7 09, 2022

Godalming Training – 7th September 2022

2022-09-12T23:36:13+00:00September 7th, 2022|Godalming|

It was a busy night in Godalming tonight as the beginners’ group continued their introduction to swordplay, whilst the studente had the choice of two groups focusing on either sidesword or tournament prep.

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