Monthly Archives: May 2023

31 05, 2023

Swindon Training – 31st May 2023

2023-06-12T07:23:43+00:00May 31st, 2023|Swindon, Sword & Buckler|

It was the second week of our new Swindon Chapter, and students spent the evening focusing on the buckler.  We did a number of drills to work on placement and measure, before ending up having a mini glove fighting tournament.

31 05, 2023

Godalming Training – 31st May 2023

2023-06-12T07:14:42+00:00May 31st, 2023|Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

Three full and fun classes at our Godalming chapter tonight at our regular training session, with rapier, single sidesword, and beginner’s sword and buckler streams all running for students to choose between.

29 05, 2023

Oxford Sparring – 29th May 2023

2023-06-12T07:40:26+00:00May 29th, 2023|Longsword, Oxford, Sword & Buckler|

Our Oxford students took advantage of the Bank Holiday today to meet up for some outdoors sparring.

Sparring gives them a chance to exchange with students they might not have sparred with before, practise weapons that might not currently be in the training curriculum, as well as get some much needed time to incorporate new techniques and tactics into their swordplay.

24 05, 2023

Swindon Training – 24th May 2023

2023-05-29T09:15:58+00:00May 24th, 2023|Swindon, Sword & Buckler|

Tonight saw the launch of our Swindon chapter as our beginners worked on the foundations of swordplay. After going through the origins of HEMA and the School of the Sword, along with safety briefing, we focused on just the sword this week. They learned the Pretzel and figure of eight, along with the associated cuts and guards. The group then proved to have excellent measure by aceing the Viennese Waltz.

20 05, 2023

School of the Sword Freeplay Day – 20th May 2023

2023-05-22T07:49:44+00:00May 20th, 2023|Oxford|

Oxford played host to a special freeplay day today where students as well as members from other clubs were invited up to spar with one another. Many thanks to all our members and friends from other clubs – some who’d come a long way- who made this sold out event so much fun!

14 05, 2023

Oxford Sparring – 14th May 2023

2023-05-22T07:38:52+00:00May 14th, 2023|Longsword, Oxford|

Our Oxford students met up again today for their regular weekend sparring.  These sessions give students the chance to get in extra practice, as well as work to incorporate new techniques they’ve learned in class.

10 05, 2023

Godalming Training -10th May 2023

2023-05-22T07:27:48+00:00May 10th, 2023|Godalming, Rapier|

Godalming students started new teaching blocks this week with Luke beginning his lessons on sidesword, looking at the work of Henry de Sainct Didier.  Meanwhile Apollon started his block on single rapier by looking at some Capo Ferro. Lynette and April took beginners through their first steps in the foundation of swordplay.

7 05, 2023

Oxford Sparring – 7th May 2023

2023-05-08T09:41:04+00:00May 7th, 2023|Longsword, Oxford, Sword & Buckler|

Students from our Oxford chapter met up today for their regular weekend sparring. There were a mixture of weapons available, giving all attending students valuable practise and experience.

3 05, 2023

Godalming Training – 3rd May 2023

2023-05-08T10:30:50+00:00May 3rd, 2023|Dagger, Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

At the end of each training block we have a night of freeplay. Tonight, it was Godalming’s turn. We also held gradings where three beginners graduated to full membership.  Congratulations to Jonathan, Jeremy and Michael who rise from the rank of candidati to Studenti

1 05, 2023

Oxford Sparring – 1st May 2023

2023-05-08T09:46:20+00:00May 1st, 2023|Longsword, Oxford|

Our Oxford students held their regular outdoor sparring event again today, where students gathered to practise skills they have learnt in class, get in some much needed practise, and have some fun along the way.

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