Monthly Archives: October 2023

28 10, 2023

Sparring Day – 28th October 2023

2023-11-06T13:52:53+00:00October 28th, 2023|Dagger, Godalming, Oxford, Rapier, Reading, Swindon, Sword & Buckler|

Our Reading chapter played host to a sparring day today. There were over thirty fencers there from numerous clubs and lots of great fights. If you want to up your game and test your skills against unfamiliar opponents look out for future events.

25 10, 2023

Swindon Training – 25th October 2023

2023-11-06T13:28:49+00:00October 25th, 2023|Swindon, Sword & Buckler|

Tonight our Swindon students were busy looking at openings in Sword and Buckler, and the tricks that can be used to anticipate them. We also did some work looking at self-analysis and trying to ensure that you were in your best fighting mindset. A lot of complex work but the students took to it with great results.

19 10, 2023

Oxford Training – 19th October 2023

2023-11-20T23:12:25+00:00October 19th, 2023|Longsword, Oxford, Sword & Buckler|

Our Oxford students met up for their regular weekly training session tonight. As always at our Oxford chapter there was a lot of focus on longsword, but there was a little sword and buckler as well.

18 10, 2023

Swindon Training – 18th October 2023

2023-11-06T13:21:26+00:00October 18th, 2023|Sword & Buckler|

Tonight our Swindon students continued their work looking at the four humors, working on the phlegmatic opponent. We also looked at the use of the sidestep and how that can be effectively deployed against opponents. Good work all round.

18 10, 2023

Godalming Training – 18th October 2023

2023-11-06T14:01:10+00:00October 18th, 2023|Godalming, Rapier, Sword & Buckler|

Tonight our Godalming chapter had three classes covering a range of weapons and student abilities: beginners, single rapier, and dall’Agocchie’s single sidesword.

15 10, 2023

Oxford Sparring – 15th October 2023

2023-11-06T14:22:13+00:00October 15th, 2023|Longsword, Oxford|

Sunday saw our Oxford students gather for a bit out outdoor freeplay. These sessions are always helpful. There’s only so much time during a lesson to learn a new technique and often the best way to practise it is to incorporate it into sparring.

11 10, 2023

Swindon Training – 11th October 2023

2023-10-14T16:46:14+00:00October 11th, 2023|Swindon, Sword & Buckler|

Our Swindon students continued their work looking at Alfieri’s four Humors this week, with a look at the Choleric opponent.  We also did group activity where groups were each given an attack or the corresponding counter and had to work it out, then come together to see whether it worked.  Some great analysis by all students.

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