Image Prep

You will require up to 3 photos.  If you are taking them… landscape and from different streams (if possible – I know sometimes you just have to work with what you have)

These MUST to be sized to 800×600 pixels  (if they aren’t, they slow down the website and quickly use up our storage quota). If you save as a medium res JPG they should end up sub 100kb.

Keep in mind that the featured image will select from the middle of the image

Save them in the format YYMMDD-X. jpg where YY represents the year, MM the Month and YY the year of the event, and X is an incremental number.  EG if you were doing photos for a training session on the 4th July 2022, the three pictures would be saved as 220704-1.jpg, 220704-2.jpg, and 220704-3.jpg

Writing Post

From WordPress dashboard, select Posts > Add New

NOTE: Posts, not Pages!

Title should be :  [Location] Training – [DATE]

Content should be a couple of sentences detailing the various streams.  Tone should upbeat and positive (focus on fun, professional and learning). It helps to mention the instructors as it helps raise their profile (i.e. Matt taught disarms to a group of eager studente, whilst Simon took our candidate through a number of guards).  Use SOTS terminology (studente, candidate, etc.) but keep in mind that people who read will be outsiders so some qualification might be needed.

At end of text, new line and hit the Add Media button above the text box

Click Create Gallery (on LHS)

Click Upload Images Tab (below Create Gallery Title)

Click Select Files Button and upload your images

The images you uploaded should be ticked like the image above.

Click Create A New Gallery button (bottom RHS)

Edit Gallery page can be used to reorder images if needed (just drag and drop)

Click “Insert Gallery” button (bottom RHS)

You should be returned to Add A New Post Page, with your images thumbnailed.

In Publish Box (RHS panel), change Publish from “Immediately” to date of training.  This is so the date of post and training match up.  I usually set the hour to 23  (so things appear in right order in the event of there being multiple events in a day)

Format – leave as Standard

Categories: Select location and the weapons that were taught that night.  If we are doing unusual weapons, don’t worry about adding them.  Rapier & Dagger is both Rapier and Dagger

Tages:  choose from most common.  Select location, ‘Training’ and weapons.  You can add weapons here if missing. rapier and dagger is ‘Rapier’ and ‘Dagger’,  sword and buckler is “Sidesword” and “Buckler”.  If running beginners, you might also want to add beginners and candiati

Featured Image:  Click “Select Featured Image” and choose one of your photos.  It tends to go narrow and long so select a picture where focus is in middle of image if possible.  You do not need to enter further featured images (it just slows down page).  If you have an unusual image, sometimes that’s good to break up the monotony of a sea of black masks and use as a visual cue to visitors  that page is being updated (and we are active).

Nextscripts: Social Networks Auto Poster – untick Facebook for time being

Scroll back up to Publish panel (top RHS) and click Publish Button.

Visit front page to see if it has posted OK.

Any issues, contact Adrian (Most things are fixable so don’t panic!)