This year’s Broadwater Bucklerthon will be held at our Godalming training location on 18th November 2017 from 12 noon until 5pm

Broadwater Bucklerthon is an informal sword and buckler tournament aimed at people that have yet to reach a quarter final in any weapon, who will compete in a nylon open.

Minimum kit: gloves, mask, gorget, chest protector, jacket, back of head
Recommended kit: knee, elbow, shin protection, groin guard

The tournament will run in a king of the hill format: winner stays on. Judges/scorekeepers will record who won and who lost each exchange to be totalled up at the end to see who goes through to compete in quarter finals.

There will be a maximum of 10 people to a pool. Fighting will last for 60 minutes or to 60 bouts – whichever comes first. Competitors will have numbers attached.

Scoring will be as follows (note this is much the same as the system used at the International Rapier Seminar recently)
clean hit = win,
double/afterblow = both lose and next pair on

The judge may ask fencers to confirm using an honour system. Each fencer will be allowed one protest if a score goes against them but good sportsmanship will be encouraged i.e. honesty about hits received

The judge will confide good technicality to the scorekeeper and the competitor with the most technical points will win a technical prize.

Register here, the cost of entry is £10:

The event will be followed by dinner at a local pub.