It was a jam-packed day of workshops on the first full day of our Coming of Age celebration event.  Students from all four of our chapters gathered on the banks of the Thames to partake in a wide range of workshops put on by our instructors.

Lizzie gave an introduction to Spadone, Dan looked at Alfieri humors, Apollon gave a Rapier masterclass, Kirstian taught an introduction to Longsword, Adrian gave a masterclass on use of the buckler, Simon looked at Godhino’s Montante, Luis introduced us to grappling, and Mark gave a workshop on Agrippa.  All were well attended with lots of happy students enjoying the perfect weather.

We ended the first day of workshops with Simon and Josh from our Reading Chapter completing the final piece of their Spadaccino grading.  Spadaccino is the most senior rank in the school and as part of it, they have to engage in a number of fights including a weapon they’ve never used before which in their case were peasant flails.  Congrats to both of them for a well deserved honour. which has required huge number of hours of dedicated training as well as written pieces.