
7 05, 2016

Fitness Training – 5th May 2016

2016-05-06T12:35:20+00:00May 7th, 2016|Fitness, Reading|

With two classes a week as well as regular sparring sessions and seminars, you are hard pushed to find a day when something isn’t going on in the School of the Sword.  However, for a number of our students, they decided that it wasn’t enough and organised a fitness session in a local park.

They battled against the midges to work on multiple areas of their training and fitness.  They started with some low intensity sparring to warm up, before working on form. The second half of the session was filled with agility, footwork, explosive movement and conditioning drills, ending with some strength exercises.

11 12, 2015

Conditioning Session – 10th December 2015

2015-12-11T16:07:03+00:00December 11th, 2015|Fitness|

A number of our students came together on Thursday night for a bit of extra curricular fitness and conditioning.  Another great session organised by Chris which everyone who attended felt was of benefit.  We’re looking to hold more of these sessions in the new year.


4 12, 2015

Conditioning Session – 3rd December 2015

2015-12-04T19:13:24+00:00December 4th, 2015|Fitness, Godalming, Reading|

On Thursday night a mixed group of senior and intermediate students met for our first conditioning session. The aim of the group is to improve our agility, stamina and strength to support our learning of renaissance sword work.

The class consisted of a dynamic warm up, agility and footwork drills and some high intensity interval training. There was a wide range of different ability levels in the group but everyone was able to work at a pace suitable for them, giving everyone a thorough workout.

There is one more conditioning session before Christmas on December the 10th at Sandhurst Sports Centre, starting at 19:30.

30 11, 2015

New Conditioning Sessions For Students

2015-11-30T10:42:14+00:00November 30th, 2015|Fitness, Godalming, Reading|

A number of students have been saying that they’d like to increase their personal fitness.  Sword play (even drills) whilst dressed in a mask and heavy gear can really take it out of you.  Chris has kindly organised a conditioning session on Thursday.  It’s open to all students (whether you’ve passed your safety test or not) and will last 55 minutes.

The first session will be held on Thursday December 3rd at Sandhurst Sports Centre starting at 7:30pm sharp!.

If you are interested in attending please let Chris know via the Facebook group

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