
20 04, 2023

School of the Sword Heading To Poland

2023-04-20T19:59:14+00:00April 20th, 2023|Oxford, Rapier|

The School of the Sword will be heading to Warsaw, Poland this June, when Oxford head Instructor, Emilia Skirmuntt, will be instructing at the International Rapier Seminar 2023.  her workshop is entitled “Rapiers in the dark” learning techniques pairing a sword and lantern as well as complimenting them techniques from sword and cape.

The International Rapier Seminar is a three day event dedicated to the art of the rapier, with great instructors from all over the HEMA world.

15 02, 2023

Godalming Training – 15th February 2023

2023-03-15T18:19:27+00:00February 15th, 2023|Godalming, Sword & Buckler|

Lots of hard work in tonight’s class in Godalming: beginners, Sword and buckler, and Sword and cape class.

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