
29 06, 2024

SOTS Oxford Freeplay Day – 29th June 2024

2024-07-21T23:48:09+00:00June 29th, 2024|Dagger, Godalming, Longsword, Oxford, Rapier, Reading, Sabre, Sidesword, Swindon, Sword & Buckler|

Our Oxford Chapter played host to our latest Freeplay Day where students from all chapters, along with friends from other clubs, join together for four solid hours of sparring.  There was a good turnout and a lot of fun was had.

26 11, 2023

Medal Haul At Wessex League Swindon

2023-11-27T10:33:29+00:00November 26th, 2023|Dagger, Godalming, Longsword, Oxford, Reading, Swindon, Sword & Buckler, Trophies|

All four chapters came together this weekend, as the final leg of the Wessex League Tournament came to Swindon,  Students from our Godalming, Reading and Oxford chapters competed whilst our Swindon students got their first taste of tournaments from the sidelines, cheering everyone on.

School of the Sword came away with a number of medals despite some highly skilled competition.

Emilia Skirmuntt took gold in Women’s Rapier & Dagger, silver in Women’s longsword, as well as two golds in the overall league – Women’s longsword league and Women’s Multiple Weapon league

Magnus Kraken took silver in the Beginner’s Rapier & Dagger, with Lenny Sim taking Bronze

Kristian Barlow took bronze in Sword & Buckler.

Congratulations to Nigel Salt who narrowly missed out on a medal, gaining 4th place in Beginner’s Longsword.

Great fencing by all fencers, whether they won medals or not.  They should all be proud, as we look to 2024 and our preparations

4 11, 2023

School of the Sword Teaches In Zurich

2023-11-06T14:31:09+00:00November 4th, 2023|Events, Oxford, Sidesword|

The School of the Sword is in Switzerland this weekend, after Oxford head instructor, Emilia Skirmuntt, has been invited to present a workshop on the side-sword of Giovanni Dall’Agocchie as part of the DEON event being held in Zurich. Hosted by Swiss HEMA member HADU, DEON23 is a dedicated rapier and side-sword event that features both workshops and tournaments.

10 09, 2023

School of the Sword heads to Swordpunk

2023-09-24T22:49:34+00:00September 10th, 2023|Events, Oxford|

Oxford head instructor, Emilia Skirmuntt, was in Monks Kirby this weekend teaching at the Swordpunk event.  She gave a class on Bolognese fencing, aka fighting like a noble!

Swordpunk is an, inclusive, out-of-doors, into nature, outside of the office world alternative festival of edged weapons and circus skills like no other. Their mission is to allow everyone to join in the fun and adventure of learning combat based and circus skills at their own level and intensity.

3 09, 2023

School of the Sword heads to Dortmund

2023-09-24T22:38:13+00:00September 3rd, 2023|Dagger, Events, Oxford|

Last weekend, Oxford head instructor, Emilia Skirmuntt, was invited by Tremonia Fechten to teach Fiore’s dagger and unarmed lessons in Dortmund, Germany.  It was friendly and relaxed event in a beautiful location.  The students seemed to have a lot of fun as well

20 08, 2023

Coming of Age Event: Day 2

2023-08-23T08:07:04+00:00August 20th, 2023|Dagger, Godalming, Longsword, Oxford, Rapier, Reading, Sidesword, Swindon, Sword & Buckler|

It was the second day of our Coming of Age event, celebrating the 21st anniversary of the School of the Sword.  After a hearty breakfast, students jumped into a selection fo workshops taught by instructors from across School of the Sword’s four chapters.

Josh taught some Fabris Rapier & Dagger, Phil introduced students to dall’Agocchie sidesword, Fran ran a Sword& Dagger masterclass, Emilia tackled Longsword disarms, Adrian ran a workshop on introduction to single rapier, and Matt taught rapier and cloak.  We then gave out a bunch of awards before leaving the afternoon for people to pack up their tents and engage in a little sparring.

Thank you to everyone who came.  It seemed the event was a massive success and the perfect way to celebrate our 21st anniversary.  Here’s to the next 21!

19 08, 2023

Coming of Age Event: Boat Trip

2023-08-23T07:54:50+00:00August 19th, 2023|Events, Godalming, Oxford, Reading, social, Swindon|

After a busy first day of workshops and sparring, what better way to unwind than a cruise down the Thames.  Attendees from all four chapters at our Coming of Age event this weekend, boarded a boat and set sail for an evening of food, drink and conversation.

19 08, 2023

Coming of Age Event: Day 1

2023-08-23T07:44:55+00:00August 19th, 2023|Dagger, Events, Godalming, Longsword, Oxford, Rapier, Reading, Sidesword, Swindon, Sword & Buckler|

It was a jam-packed day of workshops on the first full day of our Coming of Age celebration event.  Students from all four of our chapters gathered on the banks of the Thames to partake in a wide range of workshops put on by our instructors.

Lizzie gave an introduction to Spadone, Dan looked at Alfieri humors, Apollon gave a Rapier masterclass, Kirstian taught an introduction to Longsword, Adrian gave a masterclass on use of the buckler, Simon looked at Godhino’s Montante, Luis introduced us to grappling, and Mark gave a workshop on Agrippa.  All were well attended with lots of happy students enjoying the perfect weather.

We ended the first day of workshops with Simon and Josh from our Reading Chapter completing the final piece of their Spadaccino grading.  Spadaccino is the most senior rank in the school and as part of it, they have to engage in a number of fights including a weapon they’ve never used before which in their case were peasant flails.  Congrats to both of them for a well deserved honour. which has required huge number of hours of dedicated training as well as written pieces.

29 07, 2023

Oxford BBQ & Cutting Party – 29th July 2023

2023-08-12T12:45:15+00:00July 29th, 2023|Longsword, Oxford|

Our Oxford students had their own BBQ / Cutting party this weekend with longswords being taken to milk bottles.  A lot of fun was had by all.  Thanks to Kristian for being a BBQ master and Mick and Sarah for hosting.

29 07, 2023

Godalming Cutting Party – 29th July 2023

2023-08-12T12:44:28+00:00July 29th, 2023|Godalming|

Students from our Godalming chapter as well as some from other chapters gathered for an afternoon of cutting things with swords.  Whilst we don’t use sharps in our training for obvious safety reasons, it’s a useful part of our training to get the experience of cutting at inanimate objects to see just how good our blade alignment really is.  And so sideswords, sickles, spears and more were set to task against objects such as milk bottles, fruit, clay and even a birthday cake.  A lot of fun was had by all.

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