22 07, 2023

School of the Sword Instructor Gives Students HEMA Taster Session

2023-07-23T18:15:09+00:00July 22nd, 2023|Events, Godalming, Sidesword|

Godalming head instructor, Fran Lacuata was at Imperial College London today to  give a HEMA taster lesson to a bunch of students.

They were introduced to sabre, sidesword and spadone and were , in Fran’s words. “all absolute champs!”

20 07, 2022

Godalming Training – 20th July 2022

2022-07-22T16:07:36+00:00July 20th, 2022|Godalming, Longsword, Rapier|

Tonight we had three groups: study group, longsword and tournament practice.

In the study group, we are free to practice whatever we fancy drawing from a selection of sources. Tonight it was Cavalcabo, Bartitsu and Domenico Angelos smallsword.

The longsword group worked on cuts following the Meyer square, putting a music stand to good use!

And John introduced members to the rules, practices and roles of a tournament.


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