
31 03, 2024

Oxford Sparring – 31st March 2024

2024-05-07T23:58:53+00:00March 31st, 2024|Longsword, Oxford, Sidesword|

Sunday saw our Oxford students gather for a bit out outdoor freeplay. These sessions are always helpful. There’s only so much time during a lesson to learn a new technique and often the best way to practise it is to incorporate it into sparring.

14 08, 2023

Reading Training – 14th August 2023

2023-08-17T15:47:16+00:00August 14th, 2023|Reading, Sidesword|

Gradings galore at Reading tonight as Josh, Chris and Simon prepared to level up. At SOTS we have gradings at 30, 200 and 400 hours of study, the last two involving multiple fights and written pieces. Our senior students put in a huge effort, with Simon and Josh continuing their assessments this weekend at our anniversary event. Great work all!

5 12, 2017

Reading Training – 4th December 2017

2017-12-05T16:12:26+00:00December 5th, 2017|Dagger, Rapier, Reading|

Yesterday, our students gathered in Reading for our regular Monday night training session.

Emilia continued her work with the rapier group whilst Jay took the Bolognese group through sword & rotella

3 12, 2017

Reading Training – 27th November 2017

2017-12-03T17:47:33+00:00December 3rd, 2017|Dagger, Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

On Monday, our students gathered in Reading for our regular training session.

Emilia continued her work with the rapier group whilst Jay took the Bolognese group through sword & rotella

22 11, 2017

Reading Training – 20th November 2017

2017-11-22T12:16:15+00:00November 22nd, 2017|Dagger, Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

Monday night saw our regular training session in Reading with multiple streams of training on offer.

Stewart worked with the beginner’s progressing towards their safety test, Emilia continued her work with the rapier group, and Jay worked with the bolognese group on some sidesword and rotella.

29 01, 2017

Sunday Sparring – 29th January 2017

2017-01-29T17:59:32+00:00January 29th, 2017|Dagger, Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

We had a great turnout in Reading for our Sunday Sparring session today.  There was a great mix of weapons being played with: everything from rapier & dagger through to spear and rotella.  There was also a nice level of feedback from students as well, analysing their fights and point out areas of possible improvement.

We celebrated a very hectic, sweaty session with a trip to the pub and a nice carvery.


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