
20 07, 2022

Godalming Training – 20th July 2022

2022-07-22T16:07:36+00:00July 20th, 2022|Godalming, Longsword, Rapier|

Tonight we had three groups: study group, longsword and tournament practice.

In the study group, we are free to practice whatever we fancy drawing from a selection of sources. Tonight it was Cavalcabo, Bartitsu and Domenico Angelos smallsword.

The longsword group worked on cuts following the Meyer square, putting a music stand to good use!

And John introduced members to the rules, practices and roles of a tournament.


18 04, 2018

Level up! New studenti in Reading – 17 April 2018

2018-04-18T08:09:44+00:00April 18th, 2018|Reading, Sword & Buckler, Uncategorized|

Congratulations to our new studenti who passed their safety test last night in Reading: Jim, Daniel and Emma. They are now able to participate in freeplay, and are full members of the School. We wish them every success in their careers with us.

The Safety Test is an integral part of our curriculum, where we test candidati (new recruits) for their technical knowledge and application, as well as their ability to practice fencing safely. Once passed a student then becomes a full member of the School.

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