
30 12, 2015

Get Ready For 2016 At School Of The Sword

2015-12-30T16:07:19+00:00December 30th, 2015|Godalming, Reading|

2015 was an incredibly successful year for School of the Sword thanks to the hard work of our instructors.  Not only did our numbers swell and our proficiency as students improve but we saw competition success both at home and internationally.

In 2016 we intend to build upon that success with a number of enhancements.  Members of the school should have received an emailing detailing all of these changes (briefly detailed below).  If you think you might have been left off the mailing list, please let us know (as we might have your email address down wrong).

Reading moves to a new permanent home in the centre of town: St Laurence’s Church.  Both Candidati and Studenti will be meeting there from the 4th January.  Ask in the private Facebook group for parking details.

Studenti will have a choice of two different streams at training (both Reading & Godalming), one predominantly rapier based, the other more sidesword focused.  Choose which one suits you!  Lessons will be in 2-6 week plans, meaning if you’ve not been for a while it’ll be easy to jump back in at the start of a new plan.

Training sessions will be rising in cost from £5 a lesson to £7.  However, we are offering monthly pricing (£20 for one venue, £30 for both).  We hope to have online payment available for this in the next couple of days.

We’ll also be offering more social events, conditioning sessions, one day seminars and sparring sessions, so be prepared for an even more successful 2016!


30 11, 2015

New Conditioning Sessions For Students

2015-11-30T10:42:14+00:00November 30th, 2015|Fitness, Godalming, Reading|

A number of students have been saying that they’d like to increase their personal fitness.  Sword play (even drills) whilst dressed in a mask and heavy gear can really take it out of you.  Chris has kindly organised a conditioning session on Thursday.  It’s open to all students (whether you’ve passed your safety test or not) and will last 55 minutes.

The first session will be held on Thursday December 3rd at Sandhurst Sports Centre starting at 7:30pm sharp!.

If you are interested in attending please let Chris know via the Facebook group

22 11, 2015

URGENT: Reading Venue Updates For Seniors And Intermediates

2015-11-23T19:08:37+00:00November 22nd, 2015|Reading|

Rivermead Leisure Centre has started their studio refurbishment program early which means we will no longer have access to the wellness studio. The dance studio isn’t going to be big enough for both groups so we are unfortunately going to have to run the senior & intermediate groups in a different venue to the beginners for the next few weeks.

Beginners will stay at Rivermead Leisure Centre in the Thames suite.  If you’ve just started training with Fran, turn up as per normal (there’s no change for you!  Just don’t be worried when some of the seniors don’t start turning up as usual)

Intermediate and Senior group will EITHER be in the main hall at Park United Reform Church. (Now Confirmed!)  For a map check out the events section, but be aware of the one-way system!

This is likely to be the situation until the end of the year after which we’re hoping all groups will come back to together in our new venue (new venue 80% confirmed).

22 11, 2015

Godalming Class Access

2015-11-22T19:05:51+00:00November 22nd, 2015|Godalming|

Please note that Broadwater school are in the process of increasing their security so after December 7th 2015 we will only be able to get in through the school reception entrance between 7.55 and 8.05.

If you arrive after this time you will need to enter the building via the sports centre reception.

TL;DR Don’t be late for class.

29 10, 2015

Next Week’s Venues

2015-10-29T19:01:40+00:00October 29th, 2015|Dagger, Godalming, Rapier, Reading, Sword & Buckler|

We’ve got a couple of venue changes next week.

From Monday 2nd November ,  Reading group will be at Rivermead Leisure Centre.  We’ll be starting at 8:15pm and finishing at 10:30pm.  The good news is that we’ll be at this venue for the rest of the year!

And due to an event at Broadwater School, Godalming also has a change next week (4th November).  As the main assembly hall is in use for a school function we’ll be in the studio.  Don’t worry though, this is for one week only!

Look forward to seeing you all!

25 10, 2015

Monday’s Training Location

2015-10-25T22:17:24+00:00October 25th, 2015|Reading|

As students should be aware, this Monday (26th October 2015) we will once again be at Academy Sport, starting at the usual time of 8pm.  Hope to see everyone there!

17 10, 2015

Monday’s Training Location

2015-10-17T06:52:36+00:00October 17th, 2015|Reading|

As those of you who regularly attend Reading class will know, the venue on Mondays is no longer available and we are currently looking at new ones. However, next Monday the 17 October will still be at AcademySport, Northumberland Ave at the usual time of 8pm.

Apologies for any inconvenience.  We look forward to seeing you!

11 10, 2015

No Reading Training This Week

2015-10-11T09:43:33+00:00October 11th, 2015|Reading|

Reading students should already be aware, but please note that there is NO training this week (Monday 12th October).  This is due to a combination of Fran teaching and competing in Turin and Matt also being unavailable.  We’ll all be back next week (19th October – venue TBA)

Thanks to everyone who has helped with the search for a new permanent venue.  Trying to find somewhere big enough for all of us is proving a bit of a challenge but with the amount of effort being put in, it shouldn’t be too long before we can find a permanent home.

4 10, 2015

Reading Group Is Moving!

2015-10-04T09:28:19+00:00October 4th, 2015|Reading|

After issues with double booking of our current venue, Reading group is moving!!

We’ll be just around the corner at Katesgrove community centre.  (Waterloo Meadows/Elgar Rd, Reading RG2 0BN)  Still on Monday, still from 8-10pm.

The venue’s smaller than our current one so it may not be our permanent home, so students are advised to keep an eye open for announcements!

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