Sots brought home wins from the first leg of the Wessex League 2018 hosted by London Historical Fencing Club this weekend in south London.
Reigning league champion for open r&d Stewart Hotston took gold in open rapier and dagger as well as silver in open sword and buckler.
And women’s longsword league winner 2017 Fran Terminiello took gold again in women’s longsword. Emilia Skirmuntt placed bronze. And for women’s rapier and dagger Fran and Emilia placed silver and bronze respectively. Well done to all SoTS members who not only competed admirably and with great skill but also worked hard to staff this event.
The league, in its second year, has several School members on the organising committee, Sots hosted the second chapter last year in Reading.
The next chapter takes place in Taunton on 29/30 September and is hosted by Taunton Longsword Association.