Swindon Training – 27th November 2024
It was our regular weekly training session in Swindon tonight where our students continued their introduction to rapier. This week we continued our work on the thrust. Great progress by all students.
It was our regular weekly training session in Swindon tonight where our students continued their introduction to rapier. This week we continued our work on the thrust. Great progress by all students.
It was our Godalming Chapter’s regular training night tonight and students had a choice of two streams. Phil continued his block looking at the sidesword, while Luke took his students through some more Sword & Buckler. Meanwhile, Abi guided the candidati towards their safety test.
Tonight was Reading’s regular weekly training night and students had a choice between two streams. Chris continued his work looking at the sabre while Simon continued teaching his students on the use of dagger and unarmed.
It was our Godalming Chapter’s regular training night tonight and students had a choice of two streams. Phil continued his block looking at the sidesword, while Luke took his students through some more Sword & Buckler. Meanwhile, Abi guided the candidati towards their safety test.
Tonight was Reading’s regular weekly training night and students had a choice between two streams. Chris continued his work looking at the sabre while Simon continued teaching his students on the use of dagger and unarmed.
It was our Godalming Chapter’s regular training night tonight and the start of new streams. Students had a choice of two streams of learning. Phil started a block looking at the sidesword, while Luke took his students through some Sword & Buckler. Meanwhile Abi guided the candidati towards their safety test
Tonight was our Reading Chapter’s regular training night and it saw the start of several new training blocks. Chris started a new block looking at Sabre while Simon looked at the world of close quarters fighting with Dagger & Unarmed
Tonight was Godalming’s regular weekly training night, and it was a night of sparring for our studente. This not only gives students chance to practice techniques they have learned over the last few weeks but to incorporate moves into their current repertoire.
It was our regular weekly training session in Swindon tonight where our students continued their introduction to rapier. This week we continued our work on the thrust. Great progress by all students.
It was Reading’s regular training night tonight, and students got to enjoy an evening of sparring. This not only gives students chance to practice techniques they have learned over the last few weeks but to incorporate moves into their current repertoire.